Ι. William S.Burroughs 'Origin and Theory of the Tape Cut- Ups' (Break Through in Grey Room), Klaus Shculze 'I was dreaming I was Awake' (La Vie Electronique 1), Klaus Schulze 'And I found Myself Asleep' , Bugged Out mix by Hot Chip 2009: 1.Gas Nah und Fern, 2. Theo Parrish 'Space Bumps', 3. Extrawelt & Morelle 'Schmedding', Milky Disco 'Secret Circuit' Roll, Soft Cirle 'Dont Just Stand There' (Eric Broucek mix), Black devil Disco Club 'Is Sorrow' (Brain Machine's Lucifer Rising Dub), Hypnotic Brass Ensemple 'Alyo', Tasman 'awake', 'the cloud of my dreams', 'anything for you', James Ferraro 'Discovery' Tropical drones, SUBWAY 'Delta II'.
ΙΙ. Christian Prommer' s Drumlesson 'Plastic Dreams', Μικροί κλέφτες 'ζώα' 'δε θα σβήσουμε' (ζήνων), Death 'Politicians in my eyes', Iggy Pop 'Insensitive', 'Les Feuilles Mortes', Sir Richard Bishop Enta Omri (Mohaned Abdel Wahab), emanative/space 'we travel the spacebeats', bushman's revenge', Simon Bloom ' Hollow Butterfly', Desert Cold', The Whitefield Brothers 'Chokin'.
ΙΙΙ. Trammps 'Whatever happened to the music (Dub) mixed by Paul Simpson, απ το dimitri from paris presents: NIGHT DUBBIN' a dubbed out collection of classic 80's dance m sic, bbe records 2009 , τριπλοκολασμενο βυνιλιο.
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