1. J-Rock v J-Man 2. Hudson Mohawke - Rising 5
3. Lil' Ken; Rozzi Daime; Sa Ra Creative Partners - White Cloud
4. Nicolette - Waking Up (remix)
5. Maxwell - Phoenix Rise
6. Q-Tip - Manwomanboogie feat. Amanda Diva
7. Romanthony - Bring You Up
8. Dam-Funk - Searchin' 4 Funk's Future
9. Jimmy Edgar - I wanna be your STD
10. J-Rock v J-Man
11. Larry Gus - Drop Lies
12. Shafiq En' A Free Ka - The U.N. Plan
13. Douglas Wood - Romantic Sway
14. D'Angelo - Send It On
15. Ρε τι παθαμε.
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