No fun Acid
THESE HAD BETTER BE GOOD. They should be amazing in theory, Carlos Giffoni bringing a Noise mindset to the acid template and all that. OK, the first track on the CD starts off with a nasty little drone which slowly subsides as the 606 kicks in, very satisfyingly as it happens, and continues in the vein of a surprisingly straight-laced acid tune.. Albeit over twenty minutes long. The second demonstrates the more antisocial aspects you might expect, with the 303 pushed to the point of spark-flying short circuit and the rhythm track just that little bit too fast for your mind to be able to comfortably keep up with it, never mind your dancin' shoes. The vinyl also features two long tracks. The first begins almost like an alternate version of the first CD track with the droning noise amped right up and featuring some quality sub-destroying throbs before that dirty, distorted 303 comes out to play,
eventually running the show solo for the final few minutes with its harsh 'n' nasty gurgle. The flip's given over to a Gavin Russom remix which brings the atmosphere with gliding Blade Runner synths and the wailing cries of the tortured ghosts in the Rolands. THEY WERE GOOD. Excellent in fact!

calvin jones mixtape

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