
Άγγελος κυρίου (Angelos kyriou) interview for 06:00am

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how would you talk about your work if someone would ask “so what is your music like?”

θα έλεγα ότι είναι ένας συνδυασμός ήχων που προκαλώ και λέξεων φράσεων προτάσεων που σημειώνω

describe one “regular'' recording process of yours.

αυτοσχεδιάζω ηχογραφώντας ό, τι έχω γύρω μου εκείνη τη στιγμή,
ηχογραφώ αυτοσχεδιάζοντας με ό, τι έχω γύρω μου εκείνη τη στιγμή

what are you listening to these days? what was the last good record you bought?

Ξανά αυτά από το παρελθόν
Plone- for beginner piano
El-p -fantastic damage
και αυτό από πιο νέα Atlanteans -cluster

τελευταίος: big fat lips - looting (αλήθεια και είναι φανταστικός δίσκος πραγματικά)

suddenly all the radios in the world broadcast the same song. what song must that be?

Don& juan -what's your name ή pere ubu -breath ή beach boys – let the wind blow
(ντάξει το 3)

where do you live? what is your favorite sound in the space where you live?

Στην αθήνα, αγαπημένος ήχος είναι ο ήχος της βρύσης στο μπαλκόνι
όταν βάζω πλυντήριο (παίζει κάποια σύνδεση που δεν καταλαβαίνω αλλά κάνει ένα πολύ ωραίο σκάσιμο και φτύνει λίγο νερό σαν να κάνει εμετό)

what is your first musical memory?

μπροστά σε κασετόφωνο λέω ένα παιδικό τραγούδι, ξαφνικά σταματάω, ο πατέρας μου λέει 'πες το παιδί μου' εγώ λέω 'ναι' και πατάω stop, μετά πατάω rec και ο πατέρας μου λέει 'έλα ρε άγγελε' και ξαναπατάω stop

How have you been living and working around and about the current turmoil we live in? What is your opinion about what is going on?

Η απάντηση σε μια τέτοια ερώτηση δεν μπορεί να'ναι 'αλλη από την ίδια την ερώτηση ή και μια σειρά από νέες που ίσως χρειάζεται να της θέσουμε

Have you always been living in the same neighborhood as when you were a kid? If yes, how has it changed through the years?

Όχι μένω τα τελευταία 8 χρόνια στην ίδια γειτονιά, μεγάλωσα σε χωριό και πριν έρθω εδώ ζούσα σε μια άλλη πόλη.

Have you ever thought about releasing in one single release all the recordings you ve uploaded online?

Ναι αλλά η αλήθεια είναι ότι με ενδιαφέρει περισσότερο η online κυκλοφορία όσον αφορά τις ηχογραφήσεις μου, οπότε αυτές τις μέρες συγκέντρωσα σχεδόν όλα τα album που είχα κυκλοφορήσει μέσω του blog μου σε ένα αρχείο και το μοιράστηκα

From your recordings, which is the most important for you and why?

Δεν μπορώ να σκεφτώ κάποια συγκεριμένη ηχογράφηση ούτε θα 'θελα να πω ότι είναι όλες σημαντικές αν και αυτό μοιάζει να ισχύει περισσότερο.Πιο σημαντική μού φαίνεται η όλη διαδικασία της ηχογράφησης όταν συμβαίνει, γι'αυτό και θέλω (και επιδιώκω) να συμβαίνει καθημερινά.

Do you have a favorite musical instrument?

Όχι αν και μ'αρέσει η ακουστική κιθάρα κυρίως όταν καίγεται μαζί με ρακέτες σε παραλίες

What is friendship?

Μία ή περισσότερες ερωτήσεις σε μισοσπασμένο καθρέφτη (και αυτό δεν σημαίνει αυτόματα ότι κάθεσαι μπροστά του)

Your top 3 pop records of all time?

pet sounds – beach boys
wild honey – beach boys
sunflower – beach boys

Lets say you have two hours left to live and somehow your only choices are to listen to your favorite record or make a final recording that would be a masterpiece. Which activity would you chose?

Θα προτιμούσα να ηχογραφήσω μιας και είναι αυτό που απολαμβάνω περισσότερο γενικά δηλαδή γενικότερα στη ζωή, συν το γεγονός ότι περιλαμβάνει και ακρόαση η διαδικασία μερικές φορές οπότε μια χαρά θα το συνδύαζα, ωραία ωραία
(βέβαια αν θα γινόταν masterpiece ή όχι με αφήνει αδιάφορο)

send us your favorite picture of yourself and one that best illustrates your current state of mind

δεν μου αρέσουν οι φωτογραφίες που με περιέχουν και τις αποφεύγω οπότε θα σας στείλω τη δεύτερη που είναι και εικόνα για ένα αλμπουμ που ηχογραφώ αυτές τις μέρες

thank you very much
we are very happy to be having you on 06:00am!!!

και δική μου χαρά :)




how would you talk about your work if someone would ask “so what is your music like?”

i d say that it is a combination of sounds i make and of words phrases sentences i note down

describe one “regular'' recording process of yours.

I improvise by recording whatever i have around me at that moment, i record by improvising with what i have around me at that moment

what are you listening to these days? what was the last good record you bought?

Again these from the past

Plone- for beginner piano
El-p -fantastic damage

and this from the newer Atlanteans -cluster

last one: big fat lips - looting (it is the truth and it is a fantastic record indeed)

suddenly all the radios in the world broadcast the same song. what song must that be?

Don& juan -what's your name or pere ubu -breath or beach boys – let the wind blow
(ok the 3rd)

where do you live? what is your favorite sound in the space where you live?

In Athens, my favorite sound is the sound of the running water tap in the balcony
when i do the laundry (there must be a connection there i do not understand but it makes a very nice blowing sound and spits out a little bit of water as if it vomits)

what is your first musical memory?

in front of a cassette tape player i sing a children's song, suddenly i stop, my father tells me 'say it kid' and i say 'yes' and press stop, then press rec and my father says 'come on Aggelos!' and the i press stop again  

How have you been living and working around and about the current turmoil we live in? What is your opinion about what is going on?

The answer to such a question can't be other than the question itself or a series of new ones that we need to ask

Have you always been living in the same neighborhood as when you were a kid? If yes, how has it changed through the years?

No i live the last 8 years in the same neighborhood, i grew up in a village and before i got here i lived in another city.

Have you ever thought about releasing in one single release all the recordings you ve uploaded online?

Yes but the truth is that i am more interested in online releasing regarding my recordings, so these days i gathered almost all the albums i had released through my blog in a single file and shared it.

From your recordings, which is the most important for you and why?

I cannot think of one specific recording nor would i say that they are all important even though this seems to apply more. The most important i find the whole process of recording when it occurs, this is why i want (and seek) for it to occur every day.  

Do you have a favorite musical instrument?

No though i like the acoustic guitar especially when it is burning along with rackets in beaches

What is friendship?

One or more questions in half-broken mirror (and this does not mean that you are sitting in front of it)

Your top 3 pop records of all time?

pet sounds – beach boys
wild honey – beach boys
sunflower – beach boys

Lets say you have two hours left to live and somehow your only choices are to listen to your favorite record or make a final recording that would be a masterpiece. Which activity would you chose?

I would rather record once that it is what i enjoy more in general that is in general in life, plus the fact that it includes listening some times so i d combine it pretty well, nice nice
(of course if it would be a masterpiece or not leaves me indifferent)

send us your favorite picture of yourself and one that best illustrates your current state of mind

I do not like pictures of me and i avoid them so i am sending you the second which is an image for an album i am recording these days

thank you very much
we are very happy to be having you on 06:00am!!!

my pleasure :)

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